Tuesday, 24 February 2015

Impromptu Violin Performance

We were very lucky to have a surprise visitor this morning. A family friend of Jay's was visiting from China. He performed for  the whole school. It was amazing!!!

Thursday, 12 February 2015

Show Me Boards

Thank you for purchasing Show Me Boards as part of the Stationery list this year.  We use them every day during Reading and Maths group time. We will also be using them each Friday when we look at whole class  Maths topics & problem solving. Thank-you!

Hockey Skills@Mosston

We are very lucky to have  Michelle & Lizzy from Hockey Wanganui teaching us some hockey skills each Friday. We will be having 30 minute sessions where we are learning ball & stick handling skills. These will be incorporated into a game setting  once we have learnt the basics. We will end with a hockey festival at the Gonville Turf...Woo hoo!!

Wednesday, 11 February 2015

Fabulous Wanganui Library Summer Reader

Congrats to Michael who received a special visit from Becky & Kiri  of the Wanganui Library. Michael worked really hard this summer on his reading and his efforts have been acknowledged! Tu meke Michael!!

Tuesday, 3 February 2015

The Treaty of Waitangi & our own class treaty

We read this quote today as we discussed the Treaty of Waitangi and thought about our own class treaty. We have created 5 statements in our own class treaty. Stay tuned to find out what we came up with.

Ps.  A reminder that there is no school this Friday.